My loverly friend Patrizia is coordinating a contest for ALlPUBLIcCLothinG and if you have mind blowing super powers of creation then you could win some sweet clinkage! Below are the details in the words of Patrizia herself. Bathe in them!
A very good friend of mine is starting a new clothing company, called AllPublicClothing, it's a new concept, very cool, so I decided to help her.
AllPublicClothing believes that fashion design inspiration is a form of ART and shouldn’t be limited to the fashion industry!
We experience art every day, all around us, people create art in many forms, people and their inspirations are the source of art that AllPublicClothing values.
The AllPublicClothing collection will be based on ART submissions, and will work with artists and use their pieces or simply what inspired them to make those pieces and place it on the clothing.
I'm helping my friend create the art community that will submit their works and participate in a competition. The interesting part is that everyone can participate and get a prize! You just need to be creative and submit something that you consider art:
a painting, a picture, a portrait, a sketch, a sculpture, something new, something you did a long time ago... ANYTHING! We believe that fashion design inspiration comes in many forms, so we welcome separate art for different style. It’s up to you to select the style you believe your art should be printed on.
This is what you need to do:
Take a picture of your art (.jpg format) and send and email to: patriziamontanari@mac.com
add what it means to you, what the inspiration behind it is, your name and your contact info (website if you have one).
Each month the AllPublicArtCommunity will choose 9 artworks that will be printed on a collection and sold online (via website) and via fashion retailers across the country. If your art gets chosen you will win $1,000 cash prize, plus a 1% commission on every piece sold. If your art is re-printed, you will get a $500 cash prize and continue making a 1% commission on every clothing piece sold.
After the first submission you will be part of the AllPublicArtCommunity and you will be able to submit a new artwork every month and a half, this will give you a new chance to win!
The website landing page will be available next week but in the meantime we need to collect contacts and art pieces to post!
Submit your FIRST artwork by July 15th and you will be able to participate in the first selection!
The artwork won't be distributed unless you agree.
If you know anyone that wants to participate PLEASE let me know or just pass them the information.
I will keep you posted on all the developments, let me know if you have any questions!!
Thank you!
Fashion design shouldn’t be limited to the fashion Industry!
We're true believers that apparel inspiration can come from anyone and anywhere, so we're launching All Public Clothing, a brand designed by you and brought to all of us.
Starting next month, we’ll create our first line of Fall clothing as a collaborative community made up of brilliant designers and brilliant everyday people. We invite you to join our community of clothing creators and hope that you’ll share whatever inspires you: an apparel design, a drawing, or even just a photo.
Together, let’s change the way clothing is made and share in the experience and the profits. We can’t wait to get started!
All Public Clothing creates apparel using a collaborative approach. What does this mean?
Submit: You submit your artwork, which can take the form of a design, photo, illustration, or anything that inspires you.
Collaborate: The All Public online community collaborates to choose the favorite art submissions and work together on apparel design aspects like the placement of the art and it’s printing style.
Earn: For each art design chosen, you will earn $1,000, plus a 1% commission on every piece sold. If your art is re-printed, you will get a $500 cash prize and continue making a 1% commission on every clothing piece sold.
Shop: Each month, 9 pieces of chosen art will be printed in our collection and sold via our site and fashion retailers across the country. The first collection will be presented in Fall 2010 comprised of must-have women’s styles of solid tops and dresses made from high-end woven cotton blends.
We believe that fashion design inspiration comes in many forms: photography, drawings, graphic designs, collages, paintings … so we welcome separate art for different style. It’s up to you to select the style you believe your art should be printed on.
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